Quick and flexible processing of your tailor-made alloys
MPC, a joint venture of OCAS and CRM Group
Commitment to and partnership with your team in full confidentiality
MPC, a joint venture of OCAS and CRM Group
Your one-stop shop for ferrous and non-ferrous alloy making, integrated concept for the full processing chain
MPC, a joint venture of OCAS and CRM Group
Unique fully computer controlled research tools
MPC, a joint venture of OCAS and CRM Group
In house facilities for advanced sample preparation
MPC, a joint venture of OCAS and CRM
Increase your material’s innovation capacity
MPC, a joint venture of OCAS and CRM Group
Flexible production of tailor-made alloys
MPC is fully equipped to develop, produce, process and characterise your tailor-made alloys in small batches